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  • Aug 08, 2024
  • Motivation

How Can Simple Acts of Kindness Change Lives Forever?

Kindness is a powerful force that can change lives and create a more compassionate world.

It's incredible how we can uplift and inspire those around us through simple acts of generosity, empathy, and goodwill. This realisation empowers us and motivates us to do more. 

Let me share a story that shows the deep impact of kindness and let it remind us of the extraordinary difference we can make when we choose to lead with compassion. 

This story is about two brothers, Amit and Sumit, who lived in the forest. Sumit, the older one, was known to be selfish. 

One morning, Sumit decided to look for berries in the forest. He told Amit he would not share them with anyone. 

Amit looked sad and said softly that sharing them with friends would be nice. 

Nice? Who cares about being nice? Laughed, Sumit, I only care about myself!  

While looking for berries, Sumit came across an old man struggling to carry a bunch of wooden logs. He asked for Sumit’s help. 

Help you, said Sumit. Why should I help you? And he went off on his path, almost knocking the old man down.  

Amit had been following him all this time and had seen his attitude. He approached the old man and offered his help. The old man was happy and blessed Amit. 

As the old man and Amit walked towards the village, they heard a cry for help. 

Amit immediately recognised his brother's voice and, without hesitation, rushed to help him. 

Sumit, I am here! Amit said and extended a long branch to help his brother escape the muddy waters.

Sumit felt ashamed as he had always been rude to his younger brother. Why did you help me asked? 

Amit smiled and said kindness isn't about who deserves it but who needs it, and you are my brother. 

The old man watched the incident between the two brothers, but to their surprise, the old man was not who he seemed to be. 

He was the forest spirit. 

Amit, who showed kindness, received the gift of eternal friendship with the forest animals, while Sumit got a second chance to be kind. 

Both brothers worked together to help those who needed help, and their stories of kindness spread far and wide.

I shared this story with you to show that a simple act of kindness can save a life. 

From a stranger’s helping hand to the comfort of your friend’s or family’s supportive words, act if kindness shapes our lives. 

Kindness doesn't require grand gestures. Simple acts in our daily lives can affect positivity, and this story reminds us of that. 

Throughout history, kindness has been a beacon of hope in dark times. So, let us embrace kindness in our everyday interactions. 

Remember, kindness improves other people's lives and nurtures our mental health. 

So, choose to be kind in a world where you can be anything.