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  • August 08, 2024
  • Motivation

How to Overcome Any Fear in a Second?

This Story Will Help You Overcome Any Fear in SecondsOnce upon a time, a young girl named Aria lived in a small village among rolling hills. Aria alwa... Read More
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  • August 08, 2024
  • Motivation

How Can Simple Acts of Kindness Change Lives Forever?

Kindness is a powerful force that can change lives and create a more compassionate world. It's incredible how we can uplift and inspire those around u... Read More
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  • August 08, 2024
  • Motivation

The Power of Being Thankful: How Gratitude Can Make You Happier

Life is tough; we all know that. While some people achieve great success, others who struggle often fall behind.The lack of success often leads to neg... Read More
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  • August 08, 2024
  • Motivation

The Hesitant Hero Who Lost His Chance

Have you ever wondered how one small moment can change everything? Let's dive into the story of Arjun, a man who almost became a legend.Arjun was an a... Read More
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  • August 07, 2024
  • Motivation

Don't Miss the Moments: A Tale of Life and Regret

Tale of Life and RegretEver thought you had your entire life mapped out, only to realise you missed the most important parts?Meet Jayesh, a man with a... Read More
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  • January 05, 2023
  • Motivation

Blog For Motivation

Heading one‘How to meditate, increase mindfulness & find God’ is not my Blog or writing. My intellect is too small to even begin to answer thi... Read More